
November 28th

My topic is Christmas day. The season change from autumn to winter. These days, I want to give Christmas present to my boyfriend and Korean friends. Last year, I spent the day with boyfriend and he gave me a Christmas present. This year, I’ll spend the day with Korean friend or boyfriend and he will give a Christmas present. I asked 6 classmates these questions about their Christmas day.
1. Who do you spend your Christmas day with?
2. Do you get present every year?
3. How do you spend the day?
4. Do you eat cake on that day?
5. Do you believe in Santa Claus?

These are the result of my questions.
1. Who do you spend your Christmas day with?
A. Friend (4)
B. Lover (1)
C. Friend and lover (1)
2. Do you get present every year?
A. Two people said “Yes, Every year.”
B. Another people said “When I was elementary school student gave it but I don’t give it now.”
3. How do you spend the day?
A. Go out (5)
B. Stay home (1)
4. Do you eat cake that?
A. Yes (6)
B. No (0)
5. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
A. Yes (4)
B. No (1)

I was surprised that they don’t exchange Christmas presents with friends. I don’t have boyfriend,but I hung out with friends and exchanged present. I was surprised that one person said “I spend with friends and lover.” She is busy and I realized that if she spends Christmas Eve with friend, then she spends Christmas with lover.


November 21th
